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to your Destiny in Numbers - Ysha Ji Offering Perfect Numerology Solutions
Ysha Ji possesses analytical knowledge and the necessary skills for a vast subject like Numerology. Numerology is a branch of Astrology that dates back to the Vedic period (putatively, a time in history from approximately 1750-500 BCE, during which Indo-Aryans settled in northern India). Ysha Ji is knowledgeable in the world of Numerology and provides concrete and accurate results for various problems and queries as testified by thousands of happy clients.

Understanding the
Fundamentals of Astrology
The Origins
of Numerology
Some individuals believe that Numerology involves a thorough examination of various objects in the universe through the lens of numbers, both on a micro and macro scale. It is thought to stem from the teachings of ancient philosophers, with roots traced back to Egyptian and Babylonian cultures.
Indian Ancient culture is also said to have contributed significantly to Numerology, particularly through the above-mentioned Vedic Numerology. According to this belief, Vedic Numerology provides insights into an individual’s characteristics.
The Underlying
The underlying principle suggests that mathematical concepts hold more practical value than physical ones, with Numerology positing that everything in the world is influenced by one or more planets in our solar system.
According to the same notion, the celestial bodies such as Rahu, Ketu, Sun, Moon, and other planets are believed to exert enduring influences on various aspects of lives, including personality traits, beliefs, behavior, and life trajectory.
The Putative
Psychic Numbers and their Characteristics - Debunked

The Core
Essentials of Destiny and Name Numbers
According to the above-mentioned beliefs, the Destiny Number is calculated by adding together the numbers of a person’s date, month, and year of birth. For instance, for a birthdate like 12th March 1984, the Destiny Number would be determined by adding 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4, which equals 28. Then, 2 + 8 would give 10, and finally reducing it to a single digit, which is 1.
The Name Number is also referred to as the relationship number. If individuals have multiple names, they supposedly have corresponding Name Numbers. Analyzing the Name Number is thought by some to potentially help improve relationships and counteract any negativity or adverse influences in interactions with others. The goal is to purportedly strengthen connections with loved ones.
In the realm of Vedic Numerology, every letter of the alphabet professedly carries a designated numerical significance: